International Women’s Day – “Be Bold for Change”

International Women’s Day – “Be Bold for Change”

Celebrated on 8th March every year, the UN theme for 2017 is “Be Bold for Change”.

Mana women celebrate with women across Kenya and the world.

May we be bold in seeking change for our local communities, our nations and the world in which we all live, so that all can enjoy the fullness of leading a flourishing life within a protected environment.

May we be bold in our respect and tolerance of each other, and in our love for all.

May we be bold for seeking justice for those who are poor and marginalised, vulnerable and without home.

Let us live out the International Women’s Day theme “Be Bold for Change” thoughout 2017.


Explore Manasprings for empowering women’s initiatives, education, and community development. Find resources, stories, and opportunities to support positive change in Kenya.
